VIPABC是全球首个365天、24小时真人在线英语教学服务机构。由美国硅谷技术团队研发创立,公司于2004年正式推出在线语言学习平台,通过自主研发的云技术资源整合和全球网络互动媒体服务,凭借专利的DCGS动态课程生成系统,随时随地、使用任意设备皆可学习的在线互动模式,汇集全球超过60个国家、80座城市的3000多位外籍顾问,以及超过1000人的技术和服务团队,为全世界学习者提供24小时全年无休的真人在线英语教学服务。DCGS课程分配系统,效果显著 VIPABC专利DCGS动态课程生成系 [更多]
标签: 教育文化 外语综合 在线教育2017-08-05 -
Welcome to Edinburgh College, creating opportunities for Edinburgh and the Lothians [更多]
标签: 教育文化 学校网站2017-08-04 -
King's College London
King's is one of the world's leading research and teaching universities based in the heart of London [更多]
标签: 教育文化 学校网站2017-08-03 -
Resources to learn the English language for ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP students and teachers. Browse our Glossary of Terms, join our busy forums, download our free language software, read our articles and teacher handouts, and find useful links and informati [更多]
标签: 教育文化 外语综合2017-08-03 -
Free lesson plans for teachers and students of English as a second language, with interesting articles, great videos, new vocabulary and idioms, learning and teaching tips, and so much more [更多]
标签: 教育文化 外语综合 在线教育2017-08-03 -
Imperial College London
Imperial College London is a world-class university with a mission to benefit society through excellence in science, engineering, medicine and business. [更多]
标签: 教育文化 学校网站2017-08-03 -
The Open University
The Open University offers flexible part-time study, supported distance and open learning for undergraduate and postgraduate courses and qualifications. [更多]
标签: 教育文化 学校网站2017-08-03