意大利商会联合会(Unioncamere)是根据意大利法律成立的各省商会的联盟,成立于1901年,总部设在罗马,全称为意大利商业、工业、手工业和农业联合会,目前在全国共有105个省级商会。该联合会具有一定的政府职能,根据意大利法律规定,在意大利运作的所有公司必须在本省商会注册。 [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-26 -
British Council
The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are on the ground in six continents. [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-22 -
Department for Education
The Department for Education is responsible for children’s services and education, including higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England. The department is also home to the Government Equalities Office. We work to prov [更多]
标签: 政府组织 事业单位2017-07-21 -
AccaGlobal成立于1904年,是目前世界上最大及最有影响力的专业会计师组织之一,也是在运作上通向国际化及发展最快的会计师专业团体。网站服务目前已在世界上各主要国家都设立了分部、办事处及联络处。在160多个国家共设有300多个考点,拥有学生和会员超过二十五万人。ACCA课程全面、完善及先进兼备,现已被联合国采用作为全球会计课程的蓝本。ACCA在英国、欧洲及许多主要国家为法定之会计师资格,其会员可成为执业会计师,会计师事务所合伙人。受法律许可从事审计、税务、破产执行及投资顾问等专业会计 [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-21 -
Every Last Drop
Every Last Drop is an interactive website which takes a detailed look at how much water we waste on a daily basis and how **all changes can make a big difference. [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-19 -
Royal Society
The world's oldest independent scientific academy, dedicated to promoting excellence in science. [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-19 -
Royal Horticultural Society
The RHS Home page gives you up-to-date information each month along with access to advice, plants, joining the RHS, gardens and competitions e.g. '12 days'. [更多]
2017-07-15 -
Historic Royal Palaces
Welcome to Historic Royal Palaces. Experience the rich history first-hand as we bring the palaces and their stories to life. Book your tickets online today [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-15 -
Pride of Britain Awards
The Daily Mirror’s Pride of Britain Awards in partnership with TSB celebrate the achievements of truly remarkable people who make our world a better place. [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-15 -
The Miss Earth Pageant
The Miss Earth Pageant : Continuing A Legacy of Beauty and Responsibility [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-12 -
World Memory Championships
世界脑力锦标赛(World Memory Championships)是世界最高级别的记忆力赛事,由“世界记忆之父”托尼·博赞和世界脑力运动理事会(WMSC)主席雷蒙德·基恩于1991年在英国伦敦发起,大赛颁发国际认可并可世界通用的“世界记忆大师”证书。 [更多]
标签: 政府组织 协会组织2017-07-12 -
美国消费者金融保护局(United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau;缩写为CFPB)是美国联邦政府机构,成立于2011年,由美联储提供经费,隶属于美国财政部,主要负责监管资产超过100亿美元的美国金融机构,促进公平和透明的抵押贷款、信用卡和其他消费金融产品和服务。 [更多]
标签: 政府2017-07-10